Journal Entry #6 - Caught In Lies
Have you ever considered that the news you read (or watch or hear) may be factually incorrect or even fabricated? Explain why or why not.
- Yes, I have noticed that the news I read could be fake or not true news because some stories seem to be very unrealistic and the people could just be doing it for the attention that follows the story. Some journalist stretch out the truth to make the story more believable and interesting.
What is your reaction to the two articles? Were you surprised to find out that professional journalists have fabricated news?
- I was surprised by the two news articles, after reading them I realized that it made sense to me and I was not shocked by the news they have made up.
Journalist Jack Shafer writes “most liars make things up for the simple reason that they don't have the talent or the ability to get the story any other way.” Do you agree with Shafer's assertion? Explain.
- Yes, I do agree with Shafer because liars do make up things and tell themselves that what the say/tell others is true, when in the end they all made it up in their heads.
Given what Shafer says, do you think that colleges and universities should make sure graduating journalism students can handle the responsibilities and pressures? Discuss your thoughts in your entry.
- I think before you graduate from universities or colleges with a journalism background that they have to make sure you can handle the responsibilities and the pressures that come with journalism. They need to have the skills to be out in the real world to be a real journalist.
Do you think when issues of ethics arise that a newspaper ombudsman helps? An ombudsman is a professional journalist whose sole responsibility is to respond to reader complaints and provide an independent critique of the paper's performance. Explain why or why not.
- I agree that a newspaper helps when issues of ethics come because they allow people to give their opinion without getting offered. This allows access for many people to express their thoughts and feelings.
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